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Lilleshall Primary School

Working Together for Excellence and Enjoyment




Tuesday 23rd June. 

Today we are recapping our knowledge of 'Counting in 10s'. 



The first starter question is to help the class to think about how to tackle worded Maths questions. When working on it at home please use the on slide prompts to guide your son/daughter's thinking. Essentially we are looking for them to understand that Tom is correct because his number ends in a 5. To be part of the counting in 5s sequence the number has to end in either a 0 or a 5. They should notice that Jess is incorrect because her number ends in a 2. 


The second starter question focuses on time and there is an example question to work through together, followed by a question that they can complete independently. 


Main Lesson: 

We then move on to the main focus of the lesson which is 'Counting in 10s'. You may notice that the lesson follows the same format as last week, however, the 'number fact sheet' is at the end of the session. The slide that has all three hundred squares on it can be used to compare the different counting sequences and the numbers found within them. 


For the 'number fact sheet' I would like Year One to focus on the number 20 as it is found within today's counting sequence and I also wanted to be able to discuss the relationship of the ten number bonds to those of twenty. E.g. If we know that 1 + 9 = 10, then 11 + 9 = 20. All we need to do is to add ten to the original number bonds to work out the bonds for 20. However, it is important for the children to understand that you can only do this to one of the numbers in the bond. It doesn't work if you add ten to both e.g. 11 + 19 = 30 not 20. 


For a bit of fun I have also attached the link to the Numberblocks episode on Twenty. 


Bonus Task: 

To help with your number bonds to 20, there is a sheet that your son/daughter can complete. They need to shade the right amount of dienes/base ten to show the number bond and then they should write the number sentence on the line next to it. For example, the first bond would be 11 + 9 = 20, so they would need to shade in the tens 'stick' and one cube to show 11, then nine cubes to show 9 and finally the two tens 'sticks' to show 20. 


As always please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions:

Thursday 25th June.

For today's maths lesson I would like you to continue to look at your number bonds to 20. Below you can find a selection of activities to test your knowledge. 


An example for the inverse calculations activity. 



The four number sentences would be:


  • 16 + 4 = 20
  • 4 + 16 = 20
  • 20 - 4 = 16
  • 20 - 16 = 4