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Lilleshall Primary School

Working Together for Excellence and Enjoyment

Staff Training

The introduction of the new Early Years Foundation Stage requires a focus on staff training to ensure all staff working in the classroom have a sound understanding of the new curriculum. Staff at Lilleshall have prepared for the change of curriculum with a range of staff training. The Early Years Lead - Vanessa Savill has attended LA and Severn Teaching Alliance Training on the implementation of the new curriculum. Lilleshall school has completed the early adoption of the curriculum in the year 2020 - 2021. The EYFS lead has led in school training for all EYFS staff using the seven features of effective practice highlighted in the EYFS Framework. Practice in school will reflect the seven features and staff will follow the school pedagagy as this has been designed by the staff as a whole.

Staff have also been trained in using the phonics scheme Supersonic Phonic Friends. All staff in EYFS have been monitored on their implementation of the phonics scheme including direct teaching of phonics and application of phonics during continuous provision and small group work. 


Seven Features of Effective Practice
