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Lilleshall Primary School

Working Together for Excellence and Enjoyment

School Vision

Our vision and ethos at Lilleshall Primary School are to provide all our children with the very best education through developing a lifelong love of learning. We have high aspirations for all children and high expectations of all members of our school community. We aim to provide a stimulating, attractive and safe environment for our children to learn in where all members of the school community feel valued and respected. High standards of participation, work and behaviour are insisted upon to enable everyone to reach their full potential. Working together for excellence and enjoyment we aim to create an environment that provides challenging, motivating and memorable experiences, which will excite and engage pupils in their learning. This is supported by our work in British Values (please see the British Values page on our website). 


A culture of safeguarding and emotional health and well being is high priority in all areas of school life and is embedded in the school ethos. Our ethos is also developed through 'Making Our Learning Fly' which is based on six key areas that will help all members of our community have the skills required to be successful, motivated and resilient:

  • Independence – the ability to work independently and maintain focus
  • Effort – understanding that learning takes effort and commitment
  • Challenge – recognising that our best learning takes place when we are challenged
  • Positive – being positive enables children to rise to the challenges set; this is key to success 
  • Taking Risks – being prepared to do something different or new, being prepared to get it wrong and learn from it
  • Determination – the ability to stick at something and work at it, to reconsider your approach and try again 


We aim for our children to leave Lilleshall Primary School with many happy memories and feeling fully prepared for the next steps in their lives.


Equality Statement 2023 - 2024


Our school equality objective links with our school vision and ethos. Every pupil is included in the target. Lilleshall Primary School aims to ensure all pupils reach their full potential.

Our equality objectives are to:

• Set clear rules in regard to how people should be treated.

• Challenge any negative attitudes.

• Treat all staff and pupils fairly and equally.
• Create an all-inclusive culture for staff and pupils.

• Avoid and challenge stereotypes in attitudes, examples and resources.

• Ensure equal access to opportunities which enable pupils to fully participate in the learning process.

• Enable all staff and pupils to develop to their full potential.



Protected characteristics are aspects of a person's identity that makes them who they are.


The Equality Act 2010 put in place a number of duties for public bodies, including schools, to ensure that they have due regard to certain ‘protected’ groups. All public bodies and schools must have due regard to:

1. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

2. Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.

3. Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.


The Protected Characteristics are:

  1. Race
  2. Religion or Belief
  3. Gender
  4. Disability
  5. Sexual orientation
  6. Gender reassignment
  7. Pregnancy and maternity
  8. Age (applicable to staff only)
  9. Marriage and civil partnerships (applicable to staff only)





