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Lilleshall Primary School

Working Together for Excellence and Enjoyment

Week 5 - 21.04.20

Nouns and Adjectives


Linking in with today's 'live' lesson from BBC Bitesize, Miss R-S thought it would be a good opportunity to re-cap on and learn more about nouns and adjectives. 


The 'live' lesson from Tuesday 21st April can be found at:

Activity 1

Watch the videos on Nouns and Adjectives.

Can you explain what the difference is between a 'Proper Noun' and a 'Common Noun'? Can you give an adult some examples? 

What are Adjectives? 


When you have watched the videos and answered the above questions, see if you can put your learning in to practise by going on a noun and adjective hunt! Explore in and around your home for anything that would be a noun. When you find one can you then describe it with an adjective?


You could even create your own sentences about your hunt. smiley



I can see a book. 

I can see a small book. 

I can see a small thick book. 


*At this age there is no requirement to be able to use commas in between adjectives. 


Activity 2 

Can you use your best adjectives to create sentences about the picture below? 



*Image sourced from Pobble 365.

Activity 3

For this activity you will need: 

  • One of your favourite books. 
  • Lined or plain paper.
  • A pencil. 
  • Colouring pencils. 
  • A rubber. 
  • A ruler (if you are using plain paper to write).
  • Glue. 


Just like we have done before in school, I would like you to create a 'character profile'. Choose your favourite character from the book you have selected and then either take a picture of it and print it or draw them on a plain piece of paper (it doesn't want to be bigger than half an A4 sheet). Write today's date and the name of the character you are writing about and then stick your picture underneath. An example as been provided for you to look at smiley


Using your fabulous Phonics and Literacy skills you will now need to write descriptive sentences using adjectives. Use the following sentence starters to help you: 


  • He has
  • He is 
  • He looks 
  • She has 
  • She is 
  • She looks 
  • They have 
  • They are


Remember to say the sentence you would like to write before you start and then sound out the words as you go. To help you to remember how to write a good sentence, have a go at singing the song to your parents:


"What do you need to make a sentence great? Capital letters, finger space. Then you sound the words out, P-O-P, POP!. Then you end with a full stop."

Activity 4

Thinking about your favourite character try and answer the following questions:

  • Where do they normally live?
  • What is it like to live there? 
  • Who lives with them?
  • How would you feel if you lived there? 


Now imagine that your character can travel to any other book or new 'land'. Can you write a description of the setting (place) they would be in? You might even want to draw a picture first to help you to write about it. Think about what you would be able to see, feel, hear and smell. 

  • Are you in a wood, on a beach or in another place?
  • Who or what can you see?
  • What colours are there?
  • Are there any smells?
  • What do things feel like? 
  • What can you hear? 
  • How would your character feel if they were here? 






