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Lilleshall Primary School

Working Together for Excellence and Enjoyment



Everyone should complete their flashback then work through the first page of the main activity; if you feel confident you can move onto the second page of the main activity. If you want a challenge, move onto the problem solving and reasoning and try the True or False question. All of the answers are there for you to check your work once you have had a go yourselves. Remember, you can watch the video for each day as many times as you wish and use the video content to support you with the different question types.    Today's video on the 2 times table


Today I would like you to practise the letter n for your handwriting. You can complete the sheet below and in addition if you are allowed you can practise writing the letter in shaving foam or sand if you have any or outside using chalk. Another idea, if you do not have sand is to use salt as one of you did last week. After you have completed the sheet you can write the words you have practised in sentences, or again as one of you did last week, think of other words that start with n, have n in the middle or have n at the end and practise writing those.


In Religious Education we are looking at the Key question: How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do?


I would like you to complete the lesson on respect and fill in the worksheet below. What do we mean by ‘respect’? At school, who do you respect? When people ask you to do something, do you always do it? Why/why not? Who do you listen to? Why do you do as some people ask you to do but not others? Is it sometimes about consequences? Sometimes about who you love/respect (the relationship)? Sometimes about your choice? Complete the worksheet below: Who do you listen to and do as they ask? Draw person in the frame.


For P.E. I would like you to do an hour of exercise. You can either watch a video online with Joe Wicks or go for a walk or go out on your bike. If you can't do any of these then try some of the BBC Supermovers. The link is below.
