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Lilleshall Primary School

Working Together for Excellence and Enjoyment



Tuesday 30th June 

For today's Maths lesson please complete a 'number fact sheet' on one of the following numbers; 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 or 60.

After this have a look att the BBC Bitezie Maths page and choose a lesson you would like to complete at home.

Wednesday 1st July. 

In class we will be recapping our knowledge on doubling. I have attached the PowerPoint and worksheets that we will be using along with two alternative sessions should you prefer to do these with your son/daughter.


If you are following our lesson format for the day please ensure that you have about 20 small objects that your son/daughter can use to demonstrate their knowledge of doubling. For the starters we will be completing two lots of Minute Maths and these can be found via the following link:


*Please note that I have also attached the same challenge cards as the BBC Bitesize lesson as part of your class session. 


The link to our previous work on doubles and halves can be found below (as one of the alternative sessions) and there is also a link to the BBC Bitesize lesson on doubles. I have downloaded the Twinkl worksheet that goes with this lesson as I know that some of you at home are struggling to access this content. 

Previous work on Doubles: 
BBC Bitesize lesson on Doubles: