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Lilleshall Primary School

Working Together for Excellence and Enjoyment


Arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils

If your child is disabled then the usual admission policy applies initially, however additional meetings and visits can be made to the school to ensure we can meet your child's needs effectively, this includes access arrangements, specific equipment and staffing. We have been able to work closely with families to meet the needs of pupils with very complex disabilities and needs successfully. Please contact the Mrs Cousins (Headteacher) or Mrs Savill (SENCo) if you would like to discuss your child's needs and provision at Lillleshall Primary School further. 

At Lilleshall Primary School our SENDCo is Mrs Savill.

SEND Report 2021 / 2022


The SEND Information Report will be updated annually to reflect changes and plans within the school. The report states the current provision within Lilleshall Primary School.


What are the kinds of special educational needs for which provision is made at Lilleshall?


Lilleshall Primary School make provision for children with a range of Special Educational Needs including, Cognition and learning, Communication and interaction, Social, emotional and mental health and Sensory and/or physical needs . At Lilleshall we believe that every child matters and they all have the right to achieve to their full potential in an environment that provides challenging, motivating and memorable experiences. Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities will be provided with an appropriately paced and differentiated curriculum.


What are the school’s policies for the identification and assessment of children attending the school?

At Lilleshall, children are identified as having Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) through a variety of ways, these may include a combination of the following:-

  • Detailed observations are made in a variety of contexts as well as careful monitoring of the curriculum.
  • Liaison with previous school or pre-school setting
  • Information from parents/carers
  • Concerns raised by a teacher
  • Liaison with external agencies e.g. Speech and language, Educational Psychology Service
  • Children with an Education Health Care Plan already have their needs identified. Their placement at our school is a decision that is made by the Local Authority.
  • Use of tools for standardised assessment
  • A child performing below age expected levels


Once a child has been identified as needing support beyond quality first teaching within the classroom they join our SEND register at Wave 2 and this will be evaluated on a termly basis ensuring that children are in the appropriate wave and receive the support, including that of outside agencies as appropriate. Wave 3 includes children who need support from specialist outside agencies. Wave 4 includes children with an EHCP. 


What is the provision for children at Lilleshall Primary School and how is it evaluated?

Our vision at Lilleshall Primary School is to provide all our children with the very best education through developing a lifelong love of learning. We have high aspirations for all children and high expectations of all members of our school community. We aim to provide a stimulating, attractive and safe environment for our children to learn in. High standards of participation, work and behaviour are insisted upon to enable everyone to reach their full potential. Working together for excellence and enjoyment we aim to create an environment that provides challenging, motivating and memorable experiences, which will excite and engage all pupils in their learning.


Our Ambition is to make our school a place which enables all our pupils to be confident and successful people, with a love of learning, a sense of curiosity and motivation and a desire to be a positive, active part of the community. We focus on the ‘Whole Child ‘and aim for children to grow as well rounded individuals, equipped for the next steps in their lives and life in modern Britain. Every child brings valuable experience and strengths to school. We aim to build on these by offering a curriculum that is stimulating, appropriate, challenging and differentiated to meet the needs of the child, and we ensure that all children receive the same opportunities to make progress in all areas of the curriculum enabling our children to 'Make Their Learning Fly'.


Making Our Learning Fly is based on six key areas that will help all members of our community have the skills required to be successful, motivated and resilient.


  • Independence – the ability to work independently and maintain focus
  • Effort – recognising that learning takes effort and commitment, feeling you have done the best you can
  • Challenge – that work and life can be challenging but with the correct attitude we can rise to the challenges set us, by taking one more step than you initial think you can, feeling uncomfortable, making you think
  • Positive – being positive is key to success, believing in your ability to rise to the challenge, recognising what you can do.
  • Taking Risks – being prepared and positive about doing something different or new, being prepared to get it wrong and learn from it
  • Determination – the ability to stick at something and work at it, to reconsider you approach and try again, to keep going and recognise that learning is hard work and the best learning happens when we rise to the challenge and are determined and reflective.


We endeavour through this approach to provide an environment where our children are;


  • Positive and happy individuals
  • Develop skills in language, numeracy, science and the foundation subjects through a rich, creative, balanced curriculum, in line with national guidelines.
  • Develop the ability to work co-operatively with others.
  • Have an enthusiasm for lifelong learning to develop lively, enquiring minds, knowledge and skills.
  • Have a secure understanding of how they fit into a democratic society, how they can participate in and contribute to life in Britain and value themselves as a citizen;
  • Are given time to reflect on their own beliefs, whilst respecting those of others;
  • Participate in and enjoy the artistic, sporting and cultural opportunities within and beyond the school;
  • Have a good understanding of what is right and wrong, how to make the right decision and the consequences of these choices;
  • Can think creatively and imaginatively about the bigger picture and how they can achieve their aspirations in life;
  • Embrace challenge and have high aspirations.


When children are identified on the SEND register they receive the quality first teaching in the classroom but also have additional support in the areas identified by their Wave 2 intervention plan or wave 3 Individual Learning Plan (ILP). This is an individual approach to learning where skills are developed in the most appropriate way for that child.


The provision at Lilleshall School is evaluated through a range of strategies including:

  • Book Scrutiny
  • Lesson Observation
  • Pupil Voice
  • Parent Voice
  • Governor visits - Link SEND Governor
  • Progress data


What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?

The school is a member of the Telford and Wrekin Future in Mind Project. This provides CPD for staff to ensure we meet the emotional needs and wellbeing of our pupils effectively. The school also directly employs an Early Intervention Worker who supports children with emotional, social and mental health. The children are all able to access the " Talk it Tuesday" session where a teaching assistant, trained in mindfulness, is available for pupils to meet at lunch time and talk about any issues they are worried about linked to school or home. The school has also invested in the PSHE Jigsaw programme which is a curriculum that has comprehensive coverage of lessons supporting emotional health and well being of primary age children.


What is the pastoral, medical and social support available in the school?

The school meets all the statutory requirements for medical needs. Including a high number of Paediatric First Aiders. Staff are also trained to provide the administration of medication and forms are available for parents to fill in. Children with complex medical needs would be supported by qualified staff in school and outside agencies, working closely together.


Social support is provided internally by Teachers and Teaching Assistants, should more support be required the Early Intervention Worker will be allocated and Behaviour Support Agencies may be contacted.


Pastoral care is built into the ethos of the school. Our policy is to gain the views and opinions of children to review and inform our provision, working closely with parents. Teachers, Teaching Assistants and the Head Teacher take time to listen to pupils and ensure they are supported and valued. The school curriculum for PSHE (Jigsaw) also ensures that pastoral care remains a high priority. 


How does the school manage the administration of medicines?

Parents need to contact the school office if prescribed medication is recommended by healthcare professionals and needs to be taken during the school day. Any medication must be given to the school in the packaging that it was dispensed in by the pharmacy, with the child’s name and administration information clearly shown. A form must also be completed by the parent and medicines handed into and collected from the school office. Any medicine administered will be recorded and dated following the school procedure.


On a day to day basis the administrative staff oversee the administration of any medicines.


There are a number of staff that hold first aid qualifications, which are updated regularly.


How will Lilleshall Primary School include all children in activities outside the classroom, including school trips and residential stays?

At Lilleshall all children are included in all areas of the curriculum and we aim for all children to be included on school day trips and residential stays. We will provide the necessary adaptations, having consulted with you, to ensure that this is successful.


A risk assessment is carried out prior to any off-site activity to ensure everyone’s health & safety will not be compromised. In the unlikely event that it is considered unsafe for a child to take part in an activity, then alternative activities, which will cover the same curriculum areas will be provided in school. 


A variety of after school clubs are provided. We aim for these to be as inclusive as possible and may provide additional staff in order to achieve this. Each child’s needs will be considered on an individual basis.


What training do staff have in relation to the needs of children at Lilleshall Primary School?

All staff have clear job descriptions which detail the required qualifications for each post in school.


All staff have a core training programme related to their work as a teaching assistant or teacher.


Many of our staff have attended a wide range of courses and have qualifications in the following:-

  • First aid - paediatric
  • Brain gym
  • Cool kids training
  • Autism - TEACCH
  • Dyslexia
  • Epi-pen training
  • Child protection and safeguarding
  • Epilepsy
  • Moving and handling
  • MAST
  • Haemophilia talk
  • Taking care of behaviour
  • The Great Outdoors
  • Talking Maths
  • Speed Up training
  • Speech, Language and Communications
  • Effective training of phonics
  • Mindfulness training


How will equipment and facilities be provided to support children at Lilleshall?

We are a school that can be easily accessed by wheelchair uses, for example - wide door openings, disabled toilets, all outdoor areas are accessible. We take advice from outside agencies and make all necessary adjustments to the environment, using a range of equipment, to make it accessible and suitable to all pupils. This includes in the classroom and the wider school environment.

If you have any specific access queries or concerns please speak with us.


All parents and families are welcome to visit the school prior to their child or young person attending the school.


What are the arrangements for consulting parents of children at Lilleshall Primary School and involving them in the education of their child?

Parents can have initial visits to school and there are a number of introductory sessions for the Reception children.


The class teacher will meet with parents in the Autumn and Spring terms to discuss their child’s needs, support and progress. There will be a formal written report for every child in the Summer term.


Parents of children on the SEND register at Wave 3 or above will have the additional opportunity to meet with the class teacher termly to discuss the child's Individual Learning Plan. This outlines the interventions made available to the child in order to meet specific targets. The parent also has a section to fill in on these documents. In the Summer term these meetings will be carried out with the child's current teacher and where possible the teacher that will teach them the following year to allow seamless transition. 


Parents will also have meetings with the class teacher if there are any reports that need sharing from outside agencies / professionals.


Parents of children who have an Education Health Care Plan have an annual review to discuss their child’s progress, needs and support and set new targets.


What are the arrangements for consulting with children at Lilleshall about, and involving them in, their education?


All children complete a progress check sheet at the end of each term for the core subjects and in Key stage 2 the foundation subjects. They identify where they have improved and where they need further support.


Pupils in KS1 and KS2 are able to elect two representatives to be on the school council. Pupils are then asked to share ideas that can be implemented within the school. The regular school council meetings with the children mean they are able to contribute and decide on aspects of school life relating to their needs.


The assessment and annual review process of education health care plans includes the choices and views of each child.


Children who are on the SEND register have a Pupil voice review each year where they can contribute to things they feel they need support with and what they feel would help them to make their learning fly.



What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by Lilleshall School?

As a school we work closely with any external agencies that we feel are relevant to supporting individual children’s needs within our school including:

  • Learning Support Advisory Teacher (LSAT) - school buys in sessions
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Behaviour Support Staff and Inclusion Mentors - school buys in sessions
  • School Nurse
  • BeeU - Emotional Health and Well being
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Spectra - Specialist Autism Support
  • Early intervention Worker


What are the arrangements made by the governing body for dealing with complaints from parents/carers of children in relation to the provision made at Lilleshall Primary School?

Please see current complaints policy on the school website. This meets all statutory requirements.


How does the governing body involve others- including health, social services, local authority services and voluntary organisations, in meeting the needs of children at Lilleshall and in supporting their families?

The link Governor for SEND - Mrs K. Platford meets termly with the school SENCo to ensure that the school works closely with outside agencies including voluntary to meet the needs of its pupils. This is shared with the governing body through the notes of visit. This includes responding to specific individual needs through the work of agencies such as Occupational Therapy, School Nurse, Learning Support Teacher, Early Intervention Worker and any other agency that is appropriate. The children’s broader understanding of keeping themselves safe, leading healthy lifestyles and understanding the world around them is developed through working with agencies such as the Police (STAR, internet safety, Crucial Crew), School Nurse ( Sex Education), NSPCC ( PANTS) and drama groups to support internet safety and sexual exploitation awareness. The School Link Governor also has the opportunity to attend the Link Governor SENCo updates.


What are the school’s arrangements for supporting children in transferring between phases of education?

Early Years Transition

The Reception teacher co-ordinates the EYFS Hub this enables her to work closely with our feeder Nursery’s developing strong and effective links extending a cohesive approach wherever possible. It provides the opportunity for the school to gain an understanding of the child’s previous setting.

The EYFS teacher visits many of the pupil’s previous settings before they transfer to school to observe them in a familiar setting, ensuring appropriate provision is provided when they join Lilleshall Primary School.

Reception children have a range of visits to school in the summer term. Lilleshall Pre-School children come over once a week for 5 weeks in the second half of the Summer Term. Parents also get to attend a parents meeting before their child starts school. In September the Reception children spend the first two weeks building up from half days to full days.

Pupils with additional needs who join our school either at the beginning of the year or during the academic year will be supported as appropriate so that a successful transition is achieved.


KS1 and KS2 Transition

  • Staff meet and share information prior to transition.
  • All children have a session prior to moving to their next class. Reception and KS1 move to their new classes every Friday afternoon during the second half of the Summer term to share a story and answer any questions they may have.


Transfer to Secondary School

  • Staff from Secondary schools visit school and meet children in their year 6 class and speak to the year 6 teacher.
  • Extended transition sessions can be arranged to ensure a successful transition.


Where is the information on the Telford and Wrekin’s local offer published?

There is further detail on our website of our own School Offer for SEND and this links to the Local Offer on the  pages on Telford and Wrekin’s website –


If you have any queries or requests for policies or information relating to this report contact the Head teacher - Mrs Cousins or SENC0 - Mrs Vanessa Savill on 01952 388430

SEND Offer Information
