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Lilleshall Primary School

Working Together for Excellence and Enjoyment



Everyone should complete their flashback then work through the first page of the main activity; if you feel confident you can move onto the second page of the main activity. If you want a challenge, move onto the problem solving and reasoning and try the True or False question. All of the answers are there for you to check your work once you have had a go yourselves. Remember, you can watch the video for each day as many times as you wish and use the video content to support you with the different question types. Equal groups using grouping


As part of our Science Topic on Animals including Humans I would like you watch the power point below on what animals need to survive.


Once you have read trough the power point create a poster to include the 5 basic needs of survival. Make it as eye catching as you like with lots of illustrations. Don't forget to write the 5 words on it though! I look forward to seeing your work.

Remember you can read through the power point as many times as you like.


Following on with our work around the key question: How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do? I would like you to complete the following activity on the special meal Jewish families have once a year at the Festival of Passover: the Seder meal.

Watch the story on the link below  of the Exodus from Egypt under Moses.  It is important to understand it was God who allowed the Israelites to be free from slavery.





On the night they escaped He asked them to remember this night forever and gave them certain instructions; he told them to eat certain things, daub blood on their door posts, etc. Why do you think it was  important that they did as God asked that night? Passover and the Seder meal are one way Jews remember their special relationship with God. They do as He asked and celebrate Passover to remember the Exodus. Watch the clips below to find out about the symbolism of the items on the Seder plate and about the meal.

Golden Time

Don't forget Friday afternoon is Golden Time. I am sure you have earned all of your 30 minutes with the hard work you have done this week with your Home Learning. Choose what you would now like to do; it might be play a game, do some art work, go outside, play on Scratch Jnr or another app. You have earned your Golden Time so the choice is yours.
